• Craig Stevens
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  • Added 03 Oct 2013
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High Crimes and Misdemeanors

High Crimes and Misdemeanors is a 48 by 40 inch acrylic on canvas painting and my most controversial piece. This shredded America battle flag tells a story and is the second painting of a series of three. Each painting: 1. Our Civil Rights, 2. High Crimes and Misdemeanors, and 3. Our Founding Principles representing one of three stages in our country. On this flag, words and concepts of division are written with the blood red threads of the tattered stripes (some are Biblical warnings). This flag represents where we are now, actively dividing ourselves into tribes. Not all division is bad. Although, we should segregate lies from truth and good from evil, we should not divide ourselves from each other, nor how we deal with people from love and respect. For a country to play along and ignore divisive tactics and lies from their public servants or enemies (foreign or domestic) is national suicide. For a biased media to take sides and play a role in that suicide is the definition of biased propaganda. Words that Divide Painted in the Treads of this Flag are: • Tribalism • Political Correctness • Social Engineering • Hidden Agendas • “Rules for Radicals,” • Progressive Socialism • Fear • Progressive Fascism • Dissension • Hateful Debates • Biased Media • Spin • Propaganda • Revisionist History • Selfish Ambition • Career Politicians • Unelected Czars • Power Over the People • Voter Fraud • Blackmail • Lying • False Witness • Welfare • Slavery • Social Justice • Arrogance • Anger • Hate/Hatred • Discord • Apathy • Ignorance • Low Standards • No Shame • Wild Living • Drunkenness • Greed • Self Interest • Cheating • Stealing • Abortion • Human Trafficking • Lust • Impurity • Pornography • Sexual Immorality • Adultery • Homosexuality • Terrorism • Murder • Envy • Jealousy • High Debt • Monetized Debt • Idolatry • Witch Craft.

1 Comment

Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 13 Aug 2016

They're as impressive as you said they are. Looking forward to contacting you for a copy. Bob Beeley, CAP